Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Opening Weekend

What a whirlwind this has been! We are preparing to open on Friday, with a preview sponsored by the American Association of University Women Thursday night. Please come see the show, we are really proud of it and have been working very hard! See you at the amphitheatre!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Classic Shakespeare with a Wall-Street Twist

Come July, the Stevenot Winery Amphitheatre will be transformed into present-day Wall Street as Murphys Creek Theatre puts its modern twist on William Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice.”
Proving that the Bard is, in fact, timeless, director Graham Scott Green leads his players in telling this story of greed, deceit, racial tension, friendship and enduring love. “Merchant” tells the tale of Shylock, a greedy moneylender who loans money to our merchant, Antonio, on behalf of his friend Bassanio, on the promise that, if the debt is not repaid, the lender will cut a pound of flesh from Antonio. Amused by Shylock’s request, Antonio gladly accepts the lender’s proposition. Fate turns against him, however, and Shylock comes to claim his due. Unable to intervene on Antonio’s behalf, the distraught Bassanio, finds an advocate in his love, Portia, but is she skilled enough to sway the Venetian council and spare Antonio’s life?
Playing in the picturesque amphitheatre at 2690 San Domingo Road, Murphys, “The Merchant of Venice” opens July 2 and plays Fridays and Saturdays through Aug. 8. Curtain is at 8 p.m. Bring a picnic dinner and wine, or purchase some from the box office. Tickets cost $15 and are available at murphyscreektheatre.org or at the door. For more information call 728-8422.
After only 20 hours of rehearsal, the students of the MCT Mirror Project will present their version of “Merchant” in the same location on Aug. 2 and 3.
The Mirror Project is an intensive Shakespearean training and performance experience for students ages 9 to 16. Core classes include acting, text analysis, voice and movement and audition techniques, with additional specialty classes offered in stage combat, dance, acting with masks, acting for the camera and technical theater. Classes are taught by company actors performing in MCT’s summer repertory productions and by various guest artists, giving students an opportunity to work closely with a variety of professional theater artists. The final product of the conservatory will be a full-length public student production of “The Merchant of Venice” by William Shakespeare at the Cornelia B. Stevenot Performing Arts Center at Stevenot Winery.
The Mirror Project runs weekdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., from Wednesday, July 6, through Tuesday, Aug. 3, with some weekend rehearsals as well as two public performances on Sunday and Monday, Aug. 2 and 3.
There are still openings available for students interested in learning about Shakespeare and the theater arts. The cost for participation in the Mirror Project is $350. For more information, or to register for an audition, contact Murphys Creek Theatre at 728-8422 or education@murphyscreektheatre.org.