Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Call for Volunteers for Cleanup Day at Murphys Creek Theatre in Stevenot Winery... Saturday May 30

Hello, Friends!

Murphys Creek Theatre is about to start rehearsals for the Summer Shakespeare production, "The Merchant of Venice!"
As most of you know, the amphitheater always need a day or two of waking up / cleaning up / setting up for the summer.
This is a call for call for Volunteers for this coming Saturday May 30 at the Amphitheater at Stevenot Winery in Murphys.
We will be working from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

If you can come and pitch in, please RSVP to ad@murphyscreektheatre.org so we can get an idea how many hands we'll have on board. Thanks!

We need some good hard working friends' help - with a group it can get done in a matter of hours instead of DAYS with just a few of us!

We'll be doing things like:
Cleaning up the leaves and pine needles from the winter, all over the amphitheater.
Helping put the stage boards back ON the stage's cement pad... (got a screw gun? Bring 'er up!) Cleaning up the basic set that is there, prepping it for the build...
cleaning up backstage, moving things stored for the winter underneath in the dressing room area and cleaning up in there - sweeping, mopping, dusting
Helping Graham hang lights, put up cabling, set up the sound system, all of which has to come down at the end of every season - it's like rebuilding your theater once a year, and we can't do it alone!

We could use a truck or two as well.

Perhaps a few snacks, though we will provide food in the afternoon. There'll be plenty of water there. It is only 2 miles out of town and there's a great market there if needed.

All who participate will get a pair of comp tickets for the Merchant of Venice

SO - Howzabout it??? If you RSVP with a "yes" and you have never been to the amphitheater, I'll send you directions!!

Come on up!

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