Tuesday, May 26, 2009

MCT Needs Your Support!

As you may or may not know, Murphys Creek is looking at grants and other programs to help us make community theater a vibrant part of Murphys and the foothills. In order to do this, we need the stability of a long-term lease with the county, which owns the Black Bart Playhouse. There have been many wonderful things going on at the theater, including renovating the lobby, massive cleaning and cataloging of thousands of costumes. It has been and continues to be a group effort.

Today, the county Board of Supervisors continued for one week a motion to approve a lease with the theater. At the meeting, a member of the children's theater community spoke against the lease, saying that MCT shouldn't be managing the theater, as (according to her) the company cares more about professional theater than children's theater.

What I need is a group of MCT actors, board members, interested parties, Mirror Project participants/alumni to come to the board meeting next Tuesday (June 2) at 9 a.m. to speak about MCT and the wonderful things it does for this community. We can't *really* get started until we have some semblance of permanence at the playhouse.

So, if you could come out and show your support ... or write a letter to your supervisors ... or whatever, we'd love to hear it. We appreciate our theater community, and can't wait to do big things at the theater!

Much love,

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